Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Colors du Jour

Last night the goldenrod/harvest gold clothes dryer seemed to be on the fritz. This morning I confirmed that with a handful of cool wet cloths after a few minutes in the dryer on high. Great. No dryer. I mean, what's the big deal anyway? Oh, wait, it's the whole changing sheets at least once a day for Bailey, it's tons of laundry, that's the big deal! But wait, there's a clothes line. OK. It's OK. The silver lining is we'll be using less energy, our laundry will spell like fresh air. Yes, the clothes line out back has been there all along and we could go "green" by hanging our clothes out to dry. Fantastic. Oh, wait, is the line supposed to droop and therefore drag those clean clothes in the grass? Huh, I thought "going green" was a figure of speech, not what would actually happen to the wet, clean clothes once on the droopy clothes line.

I'm seeing red. But hey, all's not lost. I did fix the disposal so that we don't have to use the plunger to drain the sink after hand washing the dishes each night. Now that my friends, is the silver lining.


Cherie said...

jenn --

aren't you the clever one? i am laughing while typing this post due to your wit.

as is your wont, a classic line pertaining to going green.

please know that i am rooting for you and your relay team from not-so-"hot"-lanta this weekend.

much love,
~ c

Cherie said...

PS --

this is not really a PS, more of an oops as my widdle fingers sometimes go far too fast.

Bailey is beyond adorable. you are so very blessed to have two beautiful children.

thanks ever so much for the video.

~ c