Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Random Post

My head's itchy. So I looked close in the mirror and I think I see little, tiny hairs sprouting. When I say little, tiny hairs, I mean microscopic. The kind of thing that would certainly go unnoticed by a guy (sorry, but it's true!) and will involve me pointing them out to a girlfriend to verify what I see. Kathie warned me that her hair would just start to grow in-between treatments and then fall back out. Maybe that's it. I'll keep you posted. My eyebrows are hanging in there so far... thin but there. Same with the lashes. (It's only hair. It'll grow back. Repeat as necessary.)

On other news, I got the much needed validation regarding the trip to Sloan-Kettering, thank you Dana. Sometimes when I interact with medical offices I get insecure. You know when you get that person from the doctors office on the phone who seems to be trying desperately to control the flow of patients/clients through their doors. I received a call confirming my Tuesday appointment and the woman asked why I was coming in. I answered for a second opinion, and the whole chemo before surgery thing really threw her off at first. I had to fax them another 30 pages of reports from the oncologist and I am trying to track down my pathology slides to take with me. It's a job trying to keep up with everything.

I started organizing the pile of medical bills yesterday - that was sobering. When you see the charges and then the adjustments made by insurance companies, the co-pays, it's such a muddled mess. And it's expensive. We have to do better with health insurance and medical care. Add it to the list of causes.

In the spirit of presidential debates & my finding a cause, here's a quick list:
  • A cure for cancer/funding research
  • better health-care/insurance options for all
  • immigration programs/enforcement & border security
  • funding for education including arts!
  • get our guys & gals out of Iraq
  • taking care of the planet
Where's that candidate? I guess I have a little time to find that one before we have to vote and let's hope it's not a case of the "lesser of 2 evils". And where will my energy be directed when I can ease up on being so focused on my health? Are we all getting our 5 a day of fruits and veggies?? Eating some healthy salmon now-and-then and easing up on red meat? Seriously, are there enough things to keep track of or what? After I fix me I'll start helping with the rest of the world.


Cherie said...

honest to goodness, now that is news to jump up and down about, jenn, even if the follicles are microscopic. i cannot tell you i know how you feel but i can empathize with your "repeat as necessary."

congrats on the validation!and bravo to not only finding the time with two energetic wee ones running about to organize the mountain of medical paperwork.

yes ma'am and amen to that list of causes. btw, it is so simple, actually. we already have national health insurance - MEDICARE - just modify it so that everyone is covered.

hmmm, your finding a cause AFTER you have indulged sans guilt in puh-lenty of jenn-o-centric time, is mozart and sinatra and rock 'n' roll to my ears (laughing).

a cure for cancer can be financed by finding the missing $2.1 TRILLION. sheesh! you would think they would use on line banking and quick books, ya now?

as for the rest of your lofty goals, jenn, this quote is one of my faves:

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

-- Mother Theresa

it is so like you to be thinking of assisting the world while you are facing your own challenge(s)on a myriad of levels. if each of us adds one drop, it will be a mighty ocean.

thanks for yet another thougthful and always, inspirational read.

~ c

Cherie said...

my dearest jenn –

well, you are not really "mine" per se, but I do so enjoy the sound of it.

this post was actually written as a response to your email and i recalled your 07/19 request:

'I am asking that you add to this patchwork story of my having cancer in your own voices.'

please know how much i appreciate you "cher"ing with me what is what in your world. i can only imagine the covetous yearning you and kevin both experience when in boston for i have come to feel that boston has been one of my homes in a previous life.

since i believe more in reincarnation than anything else for a myriad of reasons, i KNOW that i was one of the rabble rousers against king george and was amongst that group of fearless men that were hurling tea over the bow into the harbor, shouting at the top of their lungs, 'ENOUGH. We are mad as hell and we’re not gonna take it anymore.'

typing of which, the deeper my research takes me into cancer, especially breast cancer, the more my determination becomes fortified to be the change i want to see in the world.

you are correct, jenn aka the flumer. if there was cancer of the actual penis and not just the prostate, boy oh boy, there would be a virtual whirlwind of action to eradicate that form of cancer from the face of the earth with the very same alacrity that they implement to create and FUND weapons of mass destruction, all shaped in the form of a phallic symbol. the irony abounds.

as women, we have two vital tasks:

(1) do a much better job raising men AND

(2) not concern ourselves, as women, with labels of being, er, ah, suffice to type, less than feminine and become far more numerous as members of each and every elected body.

aw, shucks, jenn. cw <== is blushing. you are far too kind to thank me for my postings.

last night i felt nigglings of anxiety that some, yourself included, might feel that what you graciously term "thoughtful" posts might have the possibility of being more viewed in the light of co-opting your blog since they are beyond lengthy and detailed with links and such.

knowing that you are not one to come right out and state your preference(s) since you are so tender and loathe to hurt another's feelings, i wondered if your suggestion to me (seconded by molly) to have my own blog(s) was a gentle nudge to implement and exhibit brevity of thought.

then i recall your exhortation for an outpouring of entries AND filled with more content with the concept that your blog was becoming a living entity.

regrettably, so many people, myself included, are reluctant to publicly post our inner thoughts and feelings, and succumb to the natural tendency to refrain as it is there for one and all to read and perhaps, judge.

as for your blog and my inherent shyness, 9/11 imbued within me a fierce determination to strive for being complete in my relationships as we never really know for certain that there is a tomorrow in our future as an average of 114 people die each day in car crashes in the U.S., 55 die daily from the flu, etc. so many of us take our lives and those we love for granted.

when i watched those people jumping to their deaths, i could not help but wonder what went through their minds, i.e., were they living the adage that we die not regretting the things we've done but, rather, the things we did not do?

in my mind, with each and every key stroke that i use to contribute and honor your request to not hold back, i envision that every single letter of the alphabet strung together fiber optically is yet another needed drop in the ocean of healing YOU, jennifer diana webb, - fully - FOREVER.

gotta go figure out how to text so i can honor you on the LIFETIME - let's text for jenn do-dah!

with love and thinking pink,
~ c

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